Brahma, The Creator God In Hinduism


According to Hinduism, the three essential forces that make up the Hindu Trinity or “Trimurti”-Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the sustainer; and Shiva, the destroyer-are responsible for the entirety of creation and all cosmic activity. One of the Trimurti and the Hindu gods of creation is Brahma. The goddess of knowledge Saraswati is the spouse of Brahma.

The Birth of Brahma from Vishnu’s Navel

Brahma is said to have been self-born from a lotus flower that grew from Vishnu’s navel at the beginning of the universe, according to the Puranas. Nabhija, for example, is one of his names (born from the navel). According to a different myth, Brahma was born in water. He placed a seed there, which later developed into a golden egg.

Brahma, the creator, emerged as Hiranyagarbha from the golden egg. The components of this golden egg that were left overgrew into the Brahm-anda, or Universe. Brahma is also known as Kanja since he was born in water. The Supreme Being, Brahman, and the female force known as Prakrti or Maya are said to be the parents of Brahma.

The universe’s Maker

According to Hindu cosmology, Brahma is the architect of the cosmos and all living things. The Vedas, the oldest and holiest of Hindu scriptures, are attributed to Brahma, who is therefore revered as the father of dharma. He should not be confused with the Supreme Being or Almighty God, known as Brahman, which is a general term for him.

Brahma is a member of the Trinity, but Vishnu and Shiva are more well-known than he is. More often than in homes and temples, Brahma is found in the scriptures. Finding a temple dedicated to Brahma is challenging. Pushkar, Rajasthan, is home to one such temple.

Portray of Lord Brahma

He has four faces; the fourth is presumed to be behind in Wood Carved Brahma Wall Art. With his four mouths, Brahma recites the four Vedas continuously. His four faces are also the seers of the four-quarters of the universe. The Japa mala (rosary) that Brahma is holding in his right hand symbolizes endless time.

He is holding a ghritachi (sacrificial ladle), which symbolizes the priesthood of Brahma because he offered the first sacrifice in antiquity from which the universe was born. While holding Veda (knowledge) in his left hand, he raised his lower right hand in the Abhaya mudra, which bestows fearlessness. The supreme being, Vishnu,’s navel is where the lotus that Brahma is sitting on emerged.


In Sanatan dharma, Lord Brahma is known as the creator of the universe, along with Vishnu and Shiva, known as preservers and destroyers of the universe, respectively. All three of them

Together they are known as the trinity or Trimurti. Lord Brahma is thought to be born from the lotus flower developed from Lord Vishnu’s navel.

That is why Lord Brahma is known as Nabhija, one who was born from the navel. Despite having four heads and four arms, he is Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom and Lord Brahma’s consort. There is only one temple of Lord Brahma which is in Pushkar, Rajasthan.


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